About the Circular Construction Hub of the IBA’27
The Circular Construction Hub of the IBA’27
The challenge: resource consumption in the construction industry
What if we could use these resources more efficiently? What if buildings were seen not just as new objects, but as valuable stores of materials?
The solution: Urban mining scan as a driver of the circular economy
With the urban mining scan of seven selected IBA’27 projects, we have precise data on the materials used in our buildings for the first time: Which materials are available and in what quantities, which will soon be released or are still needed? This scan is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to operating buildings in a resource-efficient manner!
Visualization of the process: The graphics as a clear representation
Graphics show at a glance how materials flow in our buildings – from use to supply and demand to potential savings. They not only provide a visual representation of the material flow, but are also the first step towards developing realistic strategies for reuse, savings and CO2 reduction!

Data collection – And now?
Now that we have gained initial data and insights into our building stock, we need to take a closer look at it. We now need detailed information on the materials that can be reused: Concular and Block Materials supported us with this in our IBA’27 pilot project. They document the quantity and, above all, the quality and ease of dismantling of the components and materials and provide a price estimate of the values that can be realized. The results are evaluated component catalogs that serve as a basis for planned construction projects.
The Stuttgart Region has a material database
We present the materials and components from our pilot project that are good and easy to reuse in our specially created materials database: this serves as a search engine for regionally available materials that are looking for a new home and is also linked to the Concular database.
… and a chatbot for circular building!
Analyzing material flows and materials are essential building blocks for circular planning and construction. But you also need to know how to put the building blocks together and develop a sensible strategy!
Various specific questions can arise during the complex planning and construction process. To make it easy for everyone, we have built our own IBA’27 chatbot that provides precise, reliable answers on the topic of »circular construction«. It understands all languages and is regularly updated by us with (inter)national verified content. So you always have the latest global knowledge at your fingertips!
The IBA’27 Circular Construction Hub
Explore the graphics, our material platform as well as our chatbot – learn more about the material flows in our projects and start your own journey towards a circular building approach today!The IBA’27 Circular Construction Hub is a pilot project that we want to further improve by 2027. So it is still »under construction«. We would therefore be delighted to receive your feedback. Let us know if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the chatbot, or if you have a suggestion on how you think we can improve the hub and what you could benefit from. We look forward to your feedback!