
A chatbot for circular construction

Answers to your questions about circular construction

Analyzing material flows and materials are essential building blocks for circular planning and construction. But you also need to know how to put the building blocks together and develop a sensible strategy!

Various specific questions can arise during the complex planning and construction process. To make it easy for everyone, we have built our own IBA’27 chatbot that provides precise, reliable answers on the topic of “circular construction”. It understands all languages and is regularly updated by us with (inter)national verified content. So you always have the latest global knowledge at your fingertips!

Let’s go, enter questions about circular construction and get helpful answers.

To the bibliography on which the chatbot’s answers are based.

Short introductory video about the chatbot

Feedback on the Circular Construction Hub

The IBA’27 Circular Construction Hub is a pilot project that we want to further improve by 2027. So it is still “under construction”. We would therefore be delighted to receive your feedback. Let us know if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the chatbot, or if you have a suggestion on how you think we can improve the hub and what you could benefit from. We look forward to your feedback!

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